Публикации с тэгом "Programming language"
ВАКАНСИЯ Technical Leader (.Net/C#)
Aricent Ukraine announces hiring campaign for NICE Systems department 5000 UAH as joining bonus for all new-hired software engineers before Feb 15 We are looking for the Technical Leader (.Net/C#). Responsibilities: Manage and lead a team of developers Responsibility of the entire development life cycle of complex client-server applications incorporating multiple technologies and programming languages including C#, Windows WF, C++/CLI and more Provide team leadership and coaching Effectively man...
ВАКАНСИЯ Senior SW Engineer
Aricent Ukraine announces hiring campaign for NICE Systems department 5000 UAH as joining bonus for all new-hired software engineers before Feb 15 We are looking for the " Senior SW Engineer". Responsibilities: Design and development of client / server analytics applications incorporating multiple technologies and programming languages including C#, Windows WF, C++/CLI and more. The job requires independence, fast learning and motivation, while working in a dynamic environment Education: Bachelo...
ВАКАНСИЯ Junior SW Engineer
Aricent Ukraine announces hiring campaign for NICE Systems department 5000 UAH as joining bonus for all new-hired software engineers before Feb 15 We are looking for the " Junior SW Engineer ". Responsibilities: Design and development of client / server analytics applications incorporating multiple technologies and programming languages including C#, Windows WF, C++/CLI and more. The job requires independence, fast learning and motivation, while working in a dynamic environment Education: Bachel...
Внедрение семантических данных в HTML
Тоже хочу принять участие в размышлениях на тему семантического веба, начатого здесь и здесь. Мной было потрачено определенное количество времени на исследования принципов и тенденций развития семантического веба, хочу поделиться основными результатами и мыслями. Зачем мне это нужно? Ответ очень простой — необходимость отделять зерна от плевел, т.е. «информацию» от «информационного шума». Как это может качественно повлиять на веб: если ввести в поисковую систему запрос, содержащий название неког...
СТАТЬЯ Видеокурс Programming Paradigms (Stanford)
27 лекций минут по 20 каждая ведут Джерри Кейн из Стэнфорда и Сашей Рашем (Facebook). Рассматриваются концепции и основы C, ассемблера, C++, Scheme, Python и Haskell. Lecture by Professor Jerry Cain for Programming Paradigms (CS107) in the Stanford University Computer Science department. Lecture 1 | Programming Paradigms (Stanford) Professor Cain provides an overview of the course. Programming Paradigms (CS107) introduces several programming languages, including C, Assembly, C++, Concurrent Prog...